Our #1 Priority: Clean Water
Fr. Julius conducted a Needs Assessment survey of each community in his parish. Clean, safe water was identified as the number one priority. The lack of clean water in his parishes results in disease and constitutes an enormous drain on human resources due to the immense amount of time devoted to carrying water by hand. In order to address this critical issue the Julius Foundation is currently working with the Engineers Without Borders-USA (EWB) program at Carroll College in Helena, MT.
EWB is a national organization that coordinates student chapters in various colleges and universities to create teams of students who travel with faculty and professional mentors to help communities in impoverished countries design and implement practical solutions for their fundamental needs.
Thanks to Emirates Airline Foundation for donating 10 airline tickets to our EWB team when it traveled to Uganda in January. Read the story they published in their newsletter about the trip.
Read more about recent progress in our Clean Water initiative
Donate to our Clean Water Initiative
Our #2 Priority: Education
Holy Trinity School
Father Julius views education as “the key to emancipate our communities to sustainable development”. Through generous donations to The Julius Foundation, a classroom addition and computer lab building was recently added to the existing Holy Trinity School in the rural village of Kawango near Kampala. The school has an enrollment of 400 at this time with enrollment demand increasing. This is also where the clean water project is being developed by TJF and the Carroll College Engineers Without Borders team. The Helena Montana Rotary Club is working with the Kampala Rotary Club to provide computers for the recently constructed building that will house the computer lab.
Fr. Julius and the Holy Trinity School Board have identified the building of a Science Laboratory as the next priority. Science subjects are compulsory for secondary students. They are required to take Uganda National Examinations which include Chemistry, Biology and Physics. This necessitates a science lab with proper facilities. Funds have been raised to build the exterior structure of the science lab. Funds will now be needed to furnish the lab and purchase equipment.
In order for the computer and science lab equipment to operate, electricity will need to be run from the nearby town of Nkozi to Kawango. The cost estimate to run the electricity is approximately $27,000.
Fr. Julius and the other Holy Trinity School Board members have identified the following school related needs:
- Purchasing 5 acres of nearby land for agriculture
- Improving existing student dormitories and adding more
- Sponsorship of individual student’s annual tuition and uniform
- School supplies
- Desks, benches
- Teacher housing
- Permanent kitchen
- Expansion of bathroom facilities
- Solar or electric power source
- Teacher salaries
- Building a library and additional classrooms
Read the personal stories of two students at Holy Trinity School
Donate to our Education Initiative
Other Projects
The Julius Foundation and our partners will continue to seek funding to address other important projects that Father Julius is tackling, such as:
- Development of vocational school
- Building renovations
- Medical care facilities
- Health care programs
- Transportation improvements
- Food Security
- Sponsor a Seminarian