From a Pastor’s Heart
“The need is so great.” This is how Father Julius describes the woefully substandard living conditions in his parishes. In Uganda 80% of the population lives in rural communities where a family of 8 to 10 persons subsists on $1 a day. Fr. Julius’ newsletter describes the needs of his parishes, as only a pastor with a deep love and concern for his people can do. In his newsletter, Fr. Julius chronicles some of the ways he and his community are working to address those needs. Assistance from The Julius Foundation can boost those efforts to help them succeed. The needs include:
Water and Sanitation
In rural parishes contaminated and completely untreated surface water is typically hand drawn by women and children walking long distances to water holes, usually twice daily.
Families totally rely on peasant farming using hand tools which does not produce enough food for their consumption.
Medical Care
Medical care is insufficient; a few nurses are stationed at the Parish Clinic with a doctor visiting every two weeks. Most health problems go untreated. There is a shortage of medicines, vaccinations, and antibiotics.
Public funding for schools is almost nonexistent. Lack of school supplies and classrooms are paramount as many students study outdoors under shade trees. Most families are unable to afford tuition for private school.
Walking and bicycles are the primary means of transportation. Large loads are carried on bicycles. Motor vehicles are rare; leaky boats are used to reach mission stations on islands.
Roads are impassable. Buildings are dilapidated with the church buildings in need of major renovation.